Built to Move

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Opal Friesen jumps up and down on her trampoline every morning. In fact, that included the morning of her 100th birthday. She believes that we are all “built to move.”

Jumping isn’t the only thing Opal does to move. She walks without assistance, takes no medicine, and lives alone in a two-story condo. She still drives. Her recently renewed license is good until she turns 102.

According to her son, a retired chiropractor, Opal has outlived most of her doctors. And according to her latest doctor, she’s healthier than he is. An interesting note, her vision is great. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t own a computer or table and rarely uses her cell phone.

She easts healthy food, but isn’t a big eater, and never has been. She’s too busy to sit still for that long.

Opal says that 100 “isn’t that old.” She believes that life is good and all you have to do is keep moving, keep a good attitude, and have fun. It looks like she might be right. Opal is living her 100 Year Lifestyle to 100 years….and beyond. She’s the envy of all of her friends at her church who say she’s their role mode for aging.

Honestly, Opal has had, and importantly is continuing to have, and amazing life. She’s been married twice. Lived around the world with her first husband. Raised a family. And at 100 has wonderful memories…and is continuing to make new memories every day. That is called living at 100:100…and beyond. Opal is truly an inspiration for what is possible for all of us. You want to get the rest of the story about this amazing woman here.

The post Built to Move appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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